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Cannonball tree facts

Cannonball tree has peculiar and sweet scented flowers. The fruits hang down on the branches up the stem. It is a deciduous tree which belongs to the Lecythidaceae family including Paradise nut and Brazil nut. This tree is inherent of South and Central America. Today it has been cultivated in various places.

Name Cannonball tree
Scientific Name Couroupita guianensis
Native Rainforests of South and Central America
Common/English Name Cannonball tree, Ayauma tree, Sal tree
Name in Other Languages Brazil (Portuguese): Castanha-De-Macaco;
Columbia: Maraca;
Costa Rica: Bala De Canon;
Dutch: Kanonskogelboom;
French: Arbre À Boulet De Canon;
French Guiana: Kouroupitoumou;
German: Kanonenkugelbaum;
Bengali: Kaman Gola,
Hindu: Tope Gola,
Marathi: Shivalingam,
Tamil: Naagalingam;
Indonesia: Sala;
Panama: Granadillo De Las Huacas;
Peru: Ayahuma;
Portuguese: Castanha De Macaco;
Spanish: Coco De Mono;
Surinam: Kaupe;
Thai: Sala Lankaa;
Venezuela: Coco De Mono;
Vietnamese: Ðầu Lân
Plant Growth Habit Large, deciduous, tropical tree
Soil Well-drained
Plant Size Height: 35 m
Branches Length: 80 m
Leaf Simple, alternate, oblong to obovate; Length: 10 inches; Width: 4 inches
Flowering Season March to September
Flower Zygomorphic, yellow with red or pink; Across: 5-6 cm; Width: 6 cm
Fruit shape & size Globose, woody, capsule, canonball shaped; Diameter: 12-25 cm
Fruit color Reddish to brown
Flesh color Bluish to green
Fruit shell Hard
Fruit Taste Astringent, earthy and bitter
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