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Health benefits of Chiretta


Chiretta Quick Facts
Name: Chiretta
Scientific Name: Andrographis paniculata
Origin Mountainous parts of South Asian countries such as North India, Sikkim, Kumoun, Kashia and Sri Lanka
Shapes Small one-celled capsules that is egg-shaped, many-sided, sharp-pointed
Taste Bitter
Health benefits Lowers Fever, Protects the Liver, Anti-parasitic, Skin Care, Cures Anemia, Checks Diabetes, Anti-cancer
Andrographis paniculata commonly known as Chiretta is a robust annual herb from the Acanthaceae (Acanthus family), which includes hundreds of species of flowering plants and is one of the essential herbs in the Ayurvedic medicine; however, it is relatively seldom used by Western herbalists. The plant is native to mountainous parts of South Asian countries such as North India, Sikkim, Kumoun, Kashia and Sri Lanka. Few of the popular common names of the plants are Ardhatikta, Bhunimba, Chiratika, Chiratitka, Haima, Jvarantaka, Kairata, Kandatiktaka, Kiranta, Kirataka, Kirata, Tikta, Naditikta, Naipala, Nepalanimba, Nidrari, Ramasenka, Sannipatha, Sutiktaka, Trinanimba, Indian Balmony, Chirayata, Chiretta, kirata Tikta, Haima and Chiravata.

Being a member of Gentianaceae family Swertia chirayita is often called Gentiana chirayita, Indian Gentian, Ophelia chirata, or simply Chiretta. The trade name chirayata is based on the local name of the plant. It has long been used by the ayurvedic physicians as a bitter tonic. The whole plant is collected during its flowering stage and is dried and used as a drug.  The reference of Chirata can be found in the Charaka Samhita, an ancient healing text of Ayurveda. Chirata alleviates the Kapha and Pitta doshas. It is bitter in taste, cold in potency and pungent in the post digestive effects.

Plant description

Chiretta is a robust, herbaceous flowering annual herb that grows about 4-5 feet tall. The plant is fund growing in woodland garden sunny edge, dappled shade, shady edge, bog garden and flourishes in woodland gardens having a sunny edge, partial shade, in shade as well as in marshy lands. The plant also thrives and flourishes well in acidic, neutral as well as basic or alkaline soils. The plant can grow well in semi-shade or slightly woodland conditions and needs humid or damp soil. Root is simple, tapering and stout, short, almost 7 cm long and usually half an inch thick. Stem is simple, erect, glabrous, robust, branching, about 3 feet tall, cylindrical below and 4-angled upwards, containing continuous, easily separable pith inside the thin layer of woody bark. It is orange brown or purplish in color. The tender branches situated mainly on the upper part of the stem, springing out of the axils of only a few opposite sessile leaves a plant has.


Leaves are in opposite pair about 10 cm long, 5-nerved, without stalks, pointed at the tip. They are lanceolate, acute, entire and smooth with visible lateral veins.


Flower is small, numerous, tetramerous, large leafy panicles, green-yellow, and tinged with purple and green or white hairs. The calyx is gamophyllous with four lobes, corolla-lobes four twisted and superimposed, united at the base where they have pairs of nectaries on each lobe covered with long hairs. Stamens 4, opposite the corolla lobe, at the base of the corolla. Ovary is unilocular with ovules laminal placentation parietale and two stigmas. Chiretta flowers possess both the male and female organs. The flowers are situated on the long slender peduncles and are arranged as cymes. Flowering normally takes place from September to October.


In October-November fertilize flowers are followed by small one-celled egg shaped capsules many-sided and sharp-pointed. Pericarp of the fruit is transparent yellow, enclosing numerous tiny angular seeds.  Seeds are very small, numerous, smooth, many angled and dark brownish in color.

Health Benefits of Chiretta (Andrographis paniculata)

Andrographis paniculata or sometimes called Chiretta is a bitter herb from India that has many health benefits. It is used by different indigenous population groups in multiple ways for several medicinal purposes. The whole plant is widely used by local people for the treatment of hepatitis, inflammation, and digestive diseases. The wide range of medicinal uses include the treatment of malaria, anemia, bronchial asthma, hepatitis, gastritis, constipation, dyspepsia, skin diseases, worms, epilepsy, hypertension, and diabetes .Mentioned below are the best health benefits of Chiretta

1. Lowers Fever

Chirata has been used to reduce fever caused due to cold and flu very efficiently. It also works on malarial fever, hysteria and convulsions. So if you feel unwell and run a temperature try having some chirata extract to get well sooner.

2. Protects the Liver

Chirata has hepato-protective properties in abundance. The word hepato-protective is self-explanatory (Hepato- related to liver + protective). It helps to get rid of toxins from the body and also contributes towards a healthy liver. It also helps in the regeneration of new liver cells.

3. Anti-parasitic

Chirata helps to remove parasites like helminthes, roundworms, tapeworms and flukes from the body. It also helps to heal the symptoms caused due the parasite attack in the body. Diarrhea, anaemia of the lungs and liver and other such terrible side effects can be treated using Chirata.

4. Skin Care

Chirata is the skins best friend. Their antioxidant property helps clear the skin. It comes handy in treating various skin conditions such as rashes, inflammation, itching, burning sensation and redness. It can also be diluted by mixing with water and used for cleaning oozing on the skin.

5. Cures Anaemia

Chirata helps in creating more blood in the body. Anaemia can be treated using this plant. Anemic conditions can lead to a list of health problems which can become serious to the extent of being life threatening. Anaemia is common in women as losing blood is a monthly affair for them. This takes a heavy toll on their body particularly during and after pregnancy.

6. Checks Diabetes

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that has spread like wild fire due to increased stress, irregular food habits and improper lifestyle of this generation. Chirata helps reduce the amount of sugar present in the blood by stimulating the pancreatic cells to secrete more insulin.

7. Anti-cancer

Chirata due to the presence of powerful antioxidants prevents the precancerous lesions from progressing and puts a check on cancer. It is most effective in case of liver cancer. This is one of the most important properties of this plant as the search of remedies for cancer has been a matter of great priority among doctors and scientists.

Traditional uses and benefits of Chiretta

Ayurvedic Health benefits of Chirata

How to uѕе Chіrеttа (Swеrtіа chiretta)

Swеrtіа сhіrеttа, which іѕ extremely bitter to taste, іѕ best used as a tіnсturе. However, сhіrеttа іѕ аlѕо available іn tеа fоrm. Chiraita аlѕо forms an ingredient in thе іmроrtеd Chinese patent mеdісаtіоn Tіаn Xian. In Indіа, dried Chiraita іѕ soaked overnight in wаtеr (аbоut ½ cups) thеn thе fіltеrеd wаtеr is tаkеn empty stomach іn thе morning.

Dosing consideration for Chirata

Appropriate dose of chirata for use as treatment depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for chirata. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.






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