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Eggplant – Solanum melongena Facts

Eggplant which is also known as brinjal, aubergine is an annual herb which easily weigh to 2 pounds depending on how long they’re left to develop and also have an oblong egg just like shape to them. It prefers fertile, rich, well-drained soil and is found growing in tropical and cool temperate climate. Apart from its slightly bitter taste it is found used in several healthy and delicious dishes around the world.

Name Eggplant
Scientific Name Solanum melongena
Native India and China
Common/English Name Aubergine, guinea squash, Brinjal, Eggplant, melongene,  Jews’s Apple, garden egg, Mad Apple.
Name in Other Languages Afrikaans : Eiervung
Finnish : Aubergiini
Laotian : Khua Hleez
Nepali : Bhanta
Spanish : Berenjena
Korean : Kaji
Hungarian : Padlizsán
Brazil : Berinjela
Chinese : Ai Gua
Papiamento : Bereheim
Turkish : Patlıcan
German : Aubergine
Czech : Lilek Baklažán
Arabic : Al-Baðinjān
French : Aubergine
Philippines : Talong ( Bikol )
India : Begun
Greek : Melitzana
Hebrew : Hatzil
Danish : Aubergine
Thai : Makhua-Chan
Burmese : Kayan
Trinidad : Meloogen
Guinea : Ta-Kobo
Portugal : Beringela
Senegal : Bādinjān ( Arabic )
Iran : Bâdenjân
Swahili : Mbilingani
Japanese : Daimaru Nasu
Bulgarian : Patladzsan
Malaysia : Terong
Polish : Bakłażan
Dutch : Aubergine
Slovencina : Baklažán
Vietnamese : Cà Bat
Romanian : Patlagea Vanata
Croatian : Patlidžan
Russian : Baklažan
Slovašcina : Jajčevec
French Guiana : Aubergine
Catalan : Albergínia
Surinam : Aubergine
Italy : Maranziana
Swedish : Äggört
Persian : Bâdinjân
Plant Growth Habit Annual herb to short-lived perennial sub-shrub
Growing Climate Tropical and cool temperate climate thrives in full sun and ample water.
Soil Fertile, rich, well-drained soil, and abhors waterlogged and strongly acidic soils.
Plant Size 40 to 150 cm (16 to 59 in) tall
Root Long taproot
Stem Stem is often non-woody, spiny and pubescent with stellate hairs.
Leaf Alternate, simple, large, coarsely lobed leaves that are 10 to 20 cm (3.9 to 7.9 in) long and 5 to 10 cm (2.0 to 3.9 in) broad.
Flower Large, violet coloured and solitary or in clusters of two or more. Flowers are star-shaped, light purple in colour and have short stalks, 5 stamens attached to the corolla tube and a single superior ovary.
Fruit Shape & Size Depressed globose to ellipsoid, globose, ovoid, obvoid, elongate or even serpentine berry, 2–35 cm long (sometimes longer), 2–20 cm broad, smoothness and shininess variable and many seeded.
Fruit Color White, green, yellow, purple, pale violet-purple hues to black, sometimes netted (variegated) or streaked, when ripe
Fruit Skin Thin, smooth, glossy skin
Flesh Color White color pulp with numerous centrally arranged small, soft seeds.
Flavor/Aroma Bland sort of flavor
Fruit Taste Slightly bitter taste.
Seed Lenticular to reniform, flattened, pale brown, 2.8–3.9 × 2.5–3.5 mm.
Varieties/Types Chinese Eggplant, Chinese Round Mauve Eggplant, Indian Eggplant & Indian Paint Eggplant, Sicilian Eggplant,  African Garden Eggs,  Thai Eggplant, Japanese Eggplant, Pingtung Long Eggplant, White Eggplant, Pea Eggplant, Italian Eggplant, Black Beauty Eggplant, Pusa Purple Long, Arka Navneet, Pusa Barsati, Manjri Gota, Arka Kusmukar, Vaishali, Arka Sheel, Pusa Ankur, Pusa Kranti, Pusa Purple Cluster
Major Nutrition Manganese, Mn 0.19 mg (8.26%)
Copper, Cu 0.066 mg (7.33%)
Total dietary Fiber 2.5 g (6.58%)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.069 mg (5.31%)
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) 0.23 mg (4.60%)
Vitamin B9 (Folate) 18 µg (4.50%)
Potassium, K 188 mg (4.00%)
Carbohydrate 4.82 g (3.71%)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.532 mg (3.33%)
Phosphorus, P 20 mg (2.86%)
Health Benefits
  • Good for Diabetics
  • Controls high blood pressure and Cholestrol
  • Birth defect prevention
  • Bone health
  • Weight loss
  • Digestion
  • Anemia
Calories in 1cup (82 gm) 20 Kcal
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