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Facts about Stereospermum chelonoides

Patala Quick Facts
Name: Patala
Scientific Name: Stereospermum chelonoides
Origin South Asia
Shapes Capsule , loculicidal or septicidal, 30-60 x 0.5 cm
Stereospermum chelonoides known as Patala is a medicinal herb which is used for treating health ailments such as rheumatism, infections, inflammation and cancer. It is bitter, cardiotonic, astringent, diuretic, cooling and tonic. It provides relief from three dosas, difficulty in breathing, anorexia, vomiting, piles, thirst and hiccough. Fruits are used for bleeding diseases. The white variety increases appetite, purifies blood, cure oedema, hiccough, vata and morbid kapha.

Wood is used for construction work, beam, planks, carriage, carts, furniture, wagons, tool handles and cabinet work. In Theravada Buddhism, the plant is used as tree for achieved enlightenment, or Bodhi by third Lord Buddha known as Saranankaraand twenty second Lord Buddha.

Plant description

The tree measures 9 to 18 meters high with grey or dark brown bark. Leaves are pinnate with 30 to 60 cm long with 3 to 4 pairs of leaflets. Terminal one is 7.5-15 cm long and 5 to 7.5 cm wide and is broadly elliptic. There are 6-8 pairs of main nerves and petioles of lateral leaflets are less than 2.5 mm long. Flowers have sweet fragrance borne in large, lax trichotomous which is viscidly hairy panicles. A calyx is 1 cm long and is shaped like a bell or campana. It is hairy with 3-5 lobes which are broad and short. Corolla is tubular and campanulate with purple and dull crimson. Fruit is a capsule which is cylindrical, usually straight and slightly ribbed. It is rough with elevated whitish specks or valves are hard and thick. Flowers are used to treat burning sensations and bilious diarrhoea.

Health Benefits of Stereospermum chelonoides

  1. Cardiovascular health

The herb acts as a cardiac tonic which helps to maintain healthy heart as it strengthens heart muscles and arteries. It helps to maintain proper flow of blood in the body. It is used for treating anorexia and improves the appetite.

  1. Piles

It is effective in treating piles. It promotes digestive health and resolve constipation. It is used for problems such as irritation, itching, soreness, redness and swelling around anus.

  1. Lower inflammation

It helps to lower edema and helps inflammatory conditions and also lowers pain.

  1. Blood purifier

It eliminates toxins from blood and also purifies it. It is helpful for difficult breathing, hiccups, vomiting and thirst.

  1. Blood disorders

The herb is used for blood disorders such as anemia. It promotes production of red blood cells. It also provides relief from symptoms associated with anemia such as lethargy, fatigue and weakness.

Traditional uses





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