Category: B

  • Bricklayer’s itch

    A type of skin inflammation resulting from irritation caused by mortar and cement.  

  • Brain fever

    A medical condition characterized by intense headaches, elevated body temperature, and vomiting is primarily observed during the winter and spring months. Modern antibiotics have significantly reduced the duration and severity of this illness, as well as largely eliminated the severe complications that were once common. This condition is also known as cerebrospinal meningitis or cerebrospinal…

  • Boutonneuse fever

    A disease caused by rickettsia bacteria, transmitted to humans through a dog tick and commonly found along the Mediterranean coast. It shares many symptoms with typhoid fever.  

  • Bones of the lower limb

    The upper portion of the leg features the femur, or thigh bone, which fits into the pelvis at its top end and helps form the knee joint at its lower end. In front of the knee joint is the patella, commonly known as the kneecap. Below the knee are the tibia, or shinbone, and the…

  • Bones of the pelvis

    The true pelvis is made up of two halves, each formed by an innominate bone. Above these are the two ilium bones, also known as the wing or hip bones. The pelvis’s rear part consists of the sacrum, which is created by the fusion of five sacral vertebrae. The front part, the pubis, is formed…

  • Bones of the upper limb

    The clavicle, or collarbone, runs from the sternum to the scapula, also known as the shoulder blade. The upper arm bone is called the humerus, and the forearm consists of two bones: the radius, located on the thumb side, and the ulna on the opposite side. These bones lead to the wrist, or carpus, which…

  • Bones of the chest

    The human body has 12 rib pairs that stretch from the thoracic vertebrae towards the front of the torso. Starting from the top, they are numbered as the first, second, and so on. The top seven pairs are known as true ribs, which connect directly to the sternum or breastbone at their front ends. The…

  • Bones of the spinal column

    These bones are known as vertebrae and total 33 in number. They consist of 7 cervical bones in the neck, 12 thoracic or dorsal bones in the chest area that are connected to the ribs, 5 lumbar bones located in the lower back, 5 sacral bones that are fused to create the sacrum or rump…

  • Bones of the skull

    The bones of the skull are categorized into two main groups: cranial bones and facial bones. The cranial bones include the occipital bone at the rear, two parietal bones that mainly form the sides, the frontal bone for the front and forehead, the temporal bones which make up the temple areas and contain the ear…

  • Blue yellow blindness

    An uncommon type of color blindness where the person can’t distinguish between blue and yellow.