Category: C

  • Clear

    Easily understood. Not cloudy and easy to see through.  

  • Cleanliness

    The state of being clean.  

  • Clean

    Free from dirt, waste products or unwanted substances. Sterile or free from infection. Not using recreational drugs. A mechanical process (scrubbing) using soap and water or detergent and water to remove dirt, debris, and many disease-causing germs. Cleaning also removes invisible debris that interferes with disinfection.  

  • Claw hand

    A deformed hand with the fingers, especially the ring finger and little finger, bent towards the palm, caused by paralysis of the muscles. Flexion and contraction of the fingers with extension at the joints between the fingers and the hand, giving a claw-like appearance. Any kind of damage to the nerves or muscles may lead…

  • Claw foot

    A deformed foot with the toes curved towards the instep and with a very high arch. An excessively arched foot, giving an unnaturally high instep. In most cases the cause is unknown, but the deformity may sometimes be due to an imbalance between the muscles flexing the toes and the shorter muscles that extend them;…

  • Clavus

    A corn on the foot. Severe pain in the head, like a nail being driven in. Thick, dry callus of skin often occurring on plantar surfaces; also known as a corn.  

  • Claustrophobic

    Afraid of being in enclosed spaces or crowded rooms.  

  • Classify

    To put references or components into order so as to be able to refer to them again and identify them easily.  

  • Classic

    Referring to a typically well-known symptom.  

  • Clamp

    A surgical instrument to hold something tightly, e.g. a blood vessel during an operation. Device used to grasp, compress, or support an organ, tissue, or other structure, esp. during surgery. A surgical instrument designed to compress a structure, such as a blood vessel or a cut end of the intestine. A variety of clamps have…