Category: C

  • Citrullinaemia

    A deficiency of an enzyme which helps break down proteins.  

  • Cisterna magna

    A large space containing cerebrospinal fluid, situated underneath the cerebellum and behind the medulla oblongata. The cranial subarachnoid space between the medulla and the cerebellum; the foramina of the fourth ventricle open into it. Cerebrospinal fluid flows from it into the spinal subarachnoid space.  

  • Cistern

    A space containing fluid.  

  • Cirsoid aneurysm

    A condition in which arteries become swollen and twisted. The condition in which a group of arteries become abnormally dilated and tortuous. A dilatation of a network of vessels commonly occurring on the scalp. The mass may form a pulsating subcutaneous tumor.  

  • Cirsoid

    Referring to a varicose vein which is dilated. Describing the distended knotted appearance of a varicose vein. The term is used for a type of tumor of the scalp (cirsoid aneurysm), which is an arteriovenous aneurysm.  

  • Circumvallate papillae

    Large papillae at the base of the tongue, which have taste buds. Circular projections at the back of the tongue containing taste buds. One of the large papillae near the base on the dorsal aspect of the tongue, arranged in a V-shape. The taste buds are located in the epithelium of the trench surrounding the…

  • Circumoral

    Referring to rashes surrounding the lips.  

  • Circumflex nerve

    A sensory and motor nerve in the upper arm. A mixed sensory and mote nerve of the upper arm. It arises from the fifth and sixth cervical segments of the spinal cord and is distributed to the deltoid muscle of the shoulder and the overlying skin.  

  • Circumflex artery

    A branch of the femoral artery in the upper thigh. Left vessel that supplies blood to the left atrium and left ventricle.  

  • Circumcise

    To remove the foreskin of the penis.