Category: C

  • Communicable diseases

    Diseases that can be transmitted from one person to another person. All communicable diseases are infectious but not all infectious diseases are communicable. Diseases also vary in their ability to be transmitted; some are more communicable than are others. The chief characteristic are their incubation period, period of communicability, and their signs and symptoms. Before…

  • Communicable

    A disease that can be transmitted from person to person. Capable of being transferred or transmitted to another individual.  

  • Commune

    A form of group marriage or economic living arrangement in which income, property, and functions are shared, but each nuclear family held intact.  

  • Communard

    A person who supported or took part in the Commune of Paris (1871) communal family.  

  • Communal family

    A group family living arrangement in which all members share household responsibilities and finances, communard.  

  • Commonwealth fund

    Established in 1918 with the objective to do something for the welfare of humanity. A philanthropic foundation created in 1918 by Anna M. Harkness to “enhance the common good”. The Fund supports programs in the areas of improving health care services and the well-being of minority Americans, the elderly and the young. The Fund emphasizes…

  • Common-source epidemic

    In epidemiology, a high level of a communicable disease occurring when a number of people have been exposed to the same agent at the same time, propagated epidemic.  

  • Common school

    A free, publically supported school for all children. A movement that began in the mid-1800s.  

  • Common ownership of information

    A norm of science that states that information is owned by all and is to be shared freely. Researchers have an obligation to share their findings through universally available publications. Data should be shared on request once its use by the researcher is completed. Supporting data for knowledge claims should be open to examination by…

  • Common law marriage

    A marriage effected by an agreement between two people of the opposite sex to live together as husband and wife. A marriage not resulting from a legal or religious ceremony and where no civil license is obtained.