Category: D

  • Dependent variable

    That variable for which a solution is sought, from a knowledge of the value of one or more correlated independent variables. In epidemiology, the health condition affected by the effects of other variables. In epidemiology and research design, the condition or disease under study or the response part of a dose-response curve. In a study…

  • Deordization

    Removal or stripping away of volatile trace compounds from oil by injecting high temperature steam (400- 500 °F) into the oil while under 7 mm or more of Mercury.  

  • Dem-i-tasse

    Very small cup of black coffee.  

  • De minimus risk

    A risk so low that it can be ignored.  

  • Demersal fish

    Demersal fish

    Near bottom of sea and on continental shelves, such as, cod, haddock, whiting, flounder, halibut, perch, shrimp, oysters, clams and crabs.  

  • Delicatessen

    A store or shop that sells ready-to-eat food. The term used to refer to foods that are readily consumable without any further cooking or preparation, such as smoked sausages, cold cuts, pickled and smoked fish, coleslaw, potato salad, olives, and others, is “delicatessen.” The name also alludes to the establishment where these types of food…

  • Deleterious

    Harmful or hurtful substance, non-chemical. Actions causing injury, harm, or destruction to a patient.  

  • Delamination

    A separation of the laminate materials. Division into layers, especially that of a blastoderm into two layers epiblast and hypoblast.  

  • Dehydrofrozen

    A partially dried product held in frozen form.  

  • Dehydration

    The removal of water from food by heat. A deficit in body fluids. A depletion of body fluids that can hinder the body’s ability to regulate its own temperature. During exercise, one can become dehydrated if the fluids lost through perspiration are not replaced. A lack of water in tissues and cells may be the…