Category: D

  • Disulphides

    A covalent bridge formed by the oxidation of two cysteine residues to a cystine residue. The-S-S-bond is very strong and its presence confers additional stability.  

  • Dissociative disorders

    Sudden temporary alterations in the normally integrative functions of consciousness. In dsm-iv-tr, this category includes dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, dissociative identity disorder (did; multiple personality disorder), depersonalization disorder, and dissociative disorder not otherwise specified. Category of disorders in DSM-III- R in which there is a sudden, temporary alteration in normally integrated functions of consciousness, identity,…

  • Dissociation

    The act of separating or state of being separated. The separation of a molecule into two or more fragments (atoms, molecules, ions, or free radicals) produced by the absorption of light or thermal energy or by solvation. In psychology, a defense mechanism in which a group of mental processes are segregated from the rest of…

  • Dissection

    Cutting up of an organism for study. The action of cutting and separating parts of a body or an organ as part of a surgical operation, an autopsy or a course of study. Separation of body tissues, usually along natural divisions, by cutting or probing, for visual or microscopic examination. Surgical removal or extensive incision.…

  • Discrimination

    The act of qualitative and/or quantitative differentiation between two or more stimuli. The behavioral component of prejudice. The mistreatment of a person or group based on prejudices. Behaviors motivated by prejudice that range from social exclusion to aggression.  

  • Direct

    Straight; in a straight line. Performed immediately and without the intervention of subsidiary means.  

  • Diploidy

    The chromosomal constitution of somatic cells, in which each type of chromosome is represented twice. Symbol: 2N or 2X.  

  • Dilatation

    The act of dilating. Expansion or enlargement of an organ or vessel. The act of making a hollow space or a passage in the body bigger or wider. Expansion of the pupil of the eye as a reaction to bad light or to drugs. Enlargement of an organ or an opening, occurring as a normal…

  • Dihydroxy

    AMPA/Kainate antagonist.  

  • Dihydrotestosterone

    Anabolic agent. A hormone synthesized from testosterone that is responsible for the development of the external genitalia of the male fetus.