Category: J

  • Jersey finger

    A traumatic avulsion of the insertion of the flexor digitorum profundus, caused by a forceful extension motion during an active muscular contraction. It is commonly seen in football players. As a tackier grabs a defender’s jersey, the defender pulls the jersey out of the tackler’s hand.  

  • Jet douche

    A douche applied to the body in a solid stream form the douche hose.  

  • Jaw claudication

    Fatigue or cramping pain felt in the jaw, especially while eating meats or other tough foods. About half of all patients with giant cell arteritis report this symptom.  

  • Juxtaglomerular cell

    A modified smooth muscle cell in the wall of the afferent arteriole leading to a glomerulus of the kidney. This type of cell secretes renin when blood pressure decreases to activate the renin-angiotensin mechanism, which elevates blood pressure and increases sodium retention.  

  • Juvenile cell

    The early developmental form of a white blood cell.  

  • Joint cavity

    The articular cavity or space enclosed by the synovial membrane and articular cartilages. It contains synovial fluid.  

  • Jejunoileal bypass

    A surgical procedure for decreasing absorption of nutrients from the small intestine by anastomosing the proximal jejunum to the distal ileum. Although it can be used to treat obesity, jejunoileal bypass has been replaced by gastric bypass procedures because of the significant complications of jejunoileal bypass surgery.  

  • Junctional bigeminy

    Cardiac arrhythmia in which every other beat is a junctional ectopic or premature junctional contraction.  

  • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis

    Previously called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile chronic arthritis, this is a set of related conditions of unknown cause affecting children. Characteristically, the synovial membrane of a joint or joints becomes inflamed and swollen for at least six weeks (and often for much longer even years). About 1 in 10,000 children develop it each year,…

  • Jungian analysis

    A school of ‘analytical psychology’, first described by Carl Gustav Jung in 1913. It introduced the concepts of introvert (turned in on oneself) and extrovert (outgoing) personalities, and developed the theory of the ‘collective unconscious’ with its archetypes of man’s basic psychic nature. In contrast with Freudian analysis, in Jungian analysis the relationship between therapist…