Category: L

  • Lymphanglectasis

    Dilatation of lymph vessels; also called lymphangiectasia.  

  • Lyme arthritis

    Acute inflammatory disease, thought to be caused by a tick- borne bacterium, that affects one or more joints (especially the knees and other large joints), causing heat, swelling, and skin redness, often accompanied by chills, fever, and malaise. Cardiac abnormalities and neurologic complications sometimes occur. Preventive measures include wearing protective clothing (long-sleeved shirt, and pants…

  • Lumbar nerves

    Five pairs of spinal nerves arising from the lumbar portion of the spinal cord. Any nerve of the five pairs of spinal nerves, corresponding with the lumbar vertebrae. All are mixed nerves.  

  • Loracarbef

    Oral synthetic antibiotic, distantly related to the cephalosporins; used in the treatment of mild to moderate respiratory, skin, and urinary tract infections.  

  • Lomustine

    Antineoplastic, known as CeeNU, used in the treatment of several types of cancer. Adverse effects include nausea, vomiting, and bone marrow depression.  

  • Lomefloxacin

    Oral antibiotic used once daily to treat bronchitis and urinary tract infection caused by Gram-negative organisms; adverse effects include photosensitivity reactions.  

  • Locus of infection

    Specific site in the body where an infection originates.  

  • Lockjaw

    Common term for tetanus, during the late stages. A painful spasm of the jaw muscles, making it hard to open the mouth. It is a prominent symptom of tetanus and was once the popular name for this condition. An agonizing contraction of the muscles in the jaw that renders it challenging or even impossible for…

  • Local anesthesia

    Administration of a local anesthetic agent to induce loss of sensation in a small area of the body. It may be applied topically, as in spraying on the skin before removing a small lesion, or it may be injected subcutaneously (beneath the skin). Brief dental and surgical operations are the most common indications for use.…

  • Liver cancer

    Malignant neoplastic disease of the liver occurring most often as a metastasis from another cancer. Primary liver cancer is common in parts of Africa and Asia, where it is often associated with aflatoxins (toxins produced by certain strains of the fungus Aspergillus), but it is rare in the United States, often associated, when it does…