Category: L

  • Locule (plural loculi)

    The cavity of the carpel in which the ovule or ovules are borne; The compartment of an anther in which the pollen is borne; The cavity in a sporangium. A compartment, the cavity of the carpel in which the ovules are formed or the compartment of the anther in which the pollen is formed. A…

  • Locular

    With cavities or compartments, usually of ovaries and fruits: unilocular meaning one-celled; bilocular, two-celled.  

  • Loculament

    Locule [obscure term].  

  • Locellate

    Divided into small compartments, as in a cavity divided into smaller subcavities.  

  • Loco citato

    From the Latin loco citato, ‘in the place mentioned’.  

  • Lobule

    A small lobe, often on a lobe. A small section of a lobe in the lung, formed of acini. A subdivision of a part or organ that can be distinguished from the whole by boundaries, such as septa, that are visible with or without a microscope. For example, the lobule of the liver is a…

  • Lobulate

    With small lobes.  

  • Lobed

    Divided into lobes; A rounded margin split in two or more sub-divisions. Indented about one-fourth to almost half way to the midrib or base of the blade. A leaf that is divided but not compound, the divisions are connected to one another along the leaf axis. The free, top part of a flower with fused…

  • Loam

    Soil composed of sand and clay in roughly equal proportions, often with organic matter. Soil of light texture, with a low clay content and roughly equal proportions of silt and sand (defined as the medium and large particle sizes of mineral soil), usually with a good humus content as well. Loams are valued as garden…

  • Lithophytic


    (Of a species or plant) growing on rock. Growing on the naked surfaces of rocks and deriving nourishment from any litter they can accumulate around their roots. Growing on the naked surfaces of rocks and deriving nourishment from any litter they can accumulate around their roots—contrasted with epiphytic, which means growing perched on other plants.…