Category: M

  • Myotonic reaction

    A heightened sensitivity in muscles observed in conditions known as myotonias.  

  • Mentoposterior position

    A midwifery term used to describe a situation where the baby inside the uterus has its head sharply extended, causing the back of the skull to align with the baby’s back and the face to point downward and backward. This positioning can create challenges during delivery, potentially making it difficult or even impossible. In such…

  • Mentoanterior position

    A term used in midwifery to describe the baby’s orientation in the uterus. In this position, the baby’s head is sharply extended so that the back of the skull is against its back, and the face is oriented downward toward the vagina. This positioning can make delivery challenging or even impossible, necessitating the doctor to…

  • Metastatic pneumonia

    Pneumonia caused by infected emboli entering the lungs.  

  • Mesial occlusion

    The location of a tooth when it is situated farther forward than usual.  

  • Myringoscope

    A tool used to inspect the inner ear, also known as an auriscope.  

  • Myotonia atrophica

    A hereditary condition typically starting between the ages of 30 and 50. It is marked by unique muscle atrophy that is distinct from other diseases, primarily impacting the face, neck, trunk, and limbs. Along with this muscle loss, there’s a distinct challenge in relaxing the muscles after exertion. Also known as dystrophia myotonica.  

  • Myotonia acquisita

    Muscle contraction occurring following trauma or illness.  

  • Myotenotomy

    A surgical cut made into muscles or tendons.  

  • Myomalacia

    A deterioration and weakening of muscle tissue.