Category: N

  • Nephrotic syndrome

    Nonspecific disorder in which the kidney glomeruli are damaged, causing them to leak large amounts of protein. Increasing oedema, albuminuria and raised blood pressure resulting from nephrosis. Kidney damage characterized by increased permeability in renal tubules and loss of protein in the glomerular filtrate. Degenerative renal lesions resulting from damage to the basement membrane of…

  • Nephropathy

    A disorder of the kidney. Diabetic complication that involves the kidney and may lead to chronic renal failure and dialysis. A disease or medical disorder of the kidney. Disease of the kidney. It includes inflammatory (nephritis), degenerative (nephrosis), and sclerotic lesions of the kidney. Nephropathy serves as a general descriptor for any ailment or harm…

  • Nephrolithiasis

    Process of forming a kidney stone in the kidney or lower urinary tract. A condition in which stones form in the kidney. Nephrolithiasis n. the presence of stones in the kidney. Such stones can cause pain and blood in the urine, but they may produce no symptoms. Full investigation is undertaken to determine the underlying…

  • Nephritis

    Inflammation of the kidneys from any of a variety of causes, most commonly streptococcal infections. Inflammation of the nephrons or kidney inflammation as seen in acute nephritis, glomerulonephritis, and interstitial nephritis. Inflammation of one or both kidneys. Nephritis is among the most com¬ mon of kidney diseases and occurs more frequently in childhood and adolescence…

  • Nephrin

    Is a protein necessary for the proper functioning of the renal filtration barrier.  

  • Nephric

    Relating to or connected with a kidney.  

  • Nephrectomy

    Surgical removal of a kidney, performed to remove a tumor, drain an abscess, or treat other kidney disorder. Surgical removal of a kidney. Nephrectomy is generally undertaken only if the person’s other kidney is functioning normally. It is indicated when there is irreversible damage to a kidney. Cancer is the most common reason to perform…

  • Nephrectomised

    Kidneys surgically removed.  

  • Neoplastic transformation

    Conversion of a tissue with a normal growth pattern into a malignant tumour.  

  • Neoplasia

    Abnormal growth of cells, which may lead to a neoplasm, or tumour. The formation of tumours. New and abnormal development of a cell; it may be benign or malignant. An abnormal growth or tumor. Neoplasia is the result of a malfunction in the process of cell reproduction in which too many cells are created. The…