Category: N

  • NURBS (abbrev)

    Nonuniform rational basis spline.  

  • Null hypothesis

    Hypothesis being tested about a population, typically that no difference exists between the mean values of two groups. The assumption that any difference found between two samples or populations is due to chance rather than to a systematic variation. In epidemiology, a statement expressing no relationship between two or more variables. The assumption that the…

  • NSAID (abbrev)

    Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug.  

  • Noxious

    A deleterious or harmful substance; not wholesome. Used of particular weeds, also animal pests, that are universally disliked for the economic damage they cause, and generally implying the existence of a legal prohibition, or a requirement to take steps to control them.  

  • Normal distribution

    Data that has a symmetrical, bell‐shaped distribution where the mean, median, and mode are identical. A frequency distribution. A bell-shaped curve that graphically rep¬ resents statistical data called norms, such as test scores; an ideal form that tends to result when large numbers of data are depicted on a graph. This form, like an upturned…

  • Nonworking side interference

    Undesirable contacts of the opposing occlusal surfaces on the nonworking side.  

  • Nonworking side condyle

    The condyle on the nonworking side.  

  • Nonworking side

    Segment of the dental arch (right or left) that is opposite the side at which the teeth occlude during mandibular function. Also known as balancing side.  

  • Nonworking interference

    Undesirable tooth contact(s) on the nonworking side of the mandible during excursive movement.  

  • Nonvascularized free graft

    Graft harvested solely as an osseous graft and without accompanying vasculature.