Category: N

  • Nelson’s syndrome

    An uncommon malfunction of the endocrine system leads to heightened skin pigmentation. Nelson’s syndrome arises due to the expansion of the pituitary gland, a consequence that can ensue after the removal of the adrenal glands (as a treatment for Cushing’s disease). The management of Nelson’s syndrome involves performing a hypophysectomy, which entails the removal or…

  • Neisserial infections

    Infections originating from bacteria within the Neisseria genus are referred to as Neisseria infections. Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (gonococcus) is responsible for causing gonorrhoea, a prevalent sexually transmitted infection in humans. On the other hand, Neisseria Meningitidis (meningococcus) is the microorganism accountable for meningococcal meningitis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the membranes enveloping the brain and…

  • Nefopam

    Nefopam is a pain-relieving medication employed to alleviate moderate pain stemming from sources like injuries, surgeries, or cancer. It functions by diminishing the brain’s perception of pain. Unlike the majority of analgesics that affect the brain, Nefopam doesn’t impede breathing nor leads to dependency. Potential adverse effects of nefopam encompass nausea, dry mouth, nervousness, and…

  • Needle exchange

    A healthcare initiative that allows individuals who use intravenous drugs to trade their used hypodermic needles for fresh, sterile ones. This program is designed to minimize the chances of infections, like HIV and hepatitis, which can be spread through the sharing of unclean needles.  

  • Nasal discharge

    The release of fluid from the nose, known as nasal discharge, frequently results from inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the nasal passages. This discharge is frequently accompanied by nasal congestion. Mucus discharge can be indicative of conditions like hay fever, a cold, or an infection that has extended from the adjacent sinuses. A…

  • Naratriptan

    A medication classified as a serotonin agonist, employed for addressing sudden onset migraine episodes.  

  • Naegeli syndrome

    Naegeli syndrome is an uncommon hereditary disorder that emerges within the initial years of life. Indications encompass skin pigmentation resembling webs, reduced sweat gland activity, hypodontia (less teeth than usual), hyperkeratosis (thickening of the outer skin layer) on palms and soles, and the occurrence of blisters. This syndrome follows an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, affecting…

  • Natural methods of contraception

    There are alternative approaches to contraception that do not rely on the use of hormonal drugs or devices. These methods revolve around identifying a woman’s fertile period, usually centered around ovulation, in order to abstain from sexual intercourse during this time. By avoiding intercourse during the fertile window, conception can be effectively prevented without the…

  • Nucleus tractus solitarius

    Situated within the medulla, there exists a cluster of nerve cells that collectively receive sensory input from the digestive tract, as well as the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This group of cells then transmits the gathered information to the vagus and facial nerves.  

  • Nucleic acid amplification test

    A diagnostic test used to screen for gonorrhea involves the detection of bacterial DNA in a urine sample or cervical swab.