Category: O

  • Oestrogenic hormone

    Synthetic oestrogen used to treat conditions which develop during menopause.  

  • Oestriol

    A placental hormone with oestrogenic properties, found in the urine of pregnant women.  

  • Oestradiol

    A type of oestrogen secreted by an ovarian follicle, which stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics in females at puberty. The name given to the oestrogenic hormone secreted by the ovarian follicle. Oestradiol is responsible for the development of the female sexual characteristics, of the breasts, and partly of the changes that take place in…

  • Oesophagus

    A tube down which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach. The oesophagus, or gullet, is the muscular tube linking the throat to the stomach, down which passes swallowed food and drink. It consists of three coats: a strong outer coat of muscle-fibres in two layers, the outer running lengthwise and the inner being…

  • Oesophagotomy

    A surgical operation to make an opening in the oesophagus to remove something which is blocking it.  

  • Oesophagostomy

    A surgical operation to make an opening in the oesophagus to allow the person to be fed, usually after an operation on the pharynx. A surgical operation in which the oesophagus is opened on to the surface of the neck. The procedure is usually, carried out as a temporary measure to facilitate feeding and drinking…

  • Oesophagoscope

    A thin tube with a light at the end, which is passed down the oesophagus to examine it. An examination of the oesophagus with an oesophagoscope.  

  • Oesophagojejunostomy

    A surgical operation to create a junction between the jejunum and the oesophagus after the stomach has been removed.  

  • Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy

    A surgical operation in which a tube is put down into the oesophagus so that the doctor can examine it, the stomach and the duodenum.  

  • Oesophagocele

    A condition in which the mucous membrane lining the oesophagus protrudes through the wall.