Category: O

  • Oxygen transport in exercise

    The delivery of oxygen by the lungs, heart, and vascular system to the working muscles where large quantities are needed for the aerobic production of energy.  

  • Oxygen toxicity

    An unusual condition caused by an excessive concentration of oxygen in inspired air resulting in damage to lung tissue. Oxygen toxicity in human lungs causes an acute oedema followed by fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension. In newborns, especially very premature ones, eye damage may be caused by growth of new vessels over the retina. The lungs…

  • Oxygen mask

    A device that fits over a person’s nose and mouth to permit the breathing of oxygen. The should be semiopen, valveless, and made of transparent plastic. A mask connected to a supply of oxygen, which can be put over the face to help someone with breathing difficulties. Device used to administer oxygen. It is shaped…

  • Oxygen extraction

    The amount of oxygen that can be extracted from 100 ml of blood. The difference between the partial pressure of oxygen leaving a tissue and the partial pressure of oxygen entering the tissue.  

  • Oxygen drive

    The stimulus to breathe, provided by a low actual level of oxygen in the blood.  

  • Oxygen

    The chemical symbol is O. A gaseous element that combines with other elements to form oxides. A chemical element that is a common colourless gas which is present in the air and essential to human life. Colorless, odorless gas essential for respiration and metabolism. A gas forming about 21% of atmospheric air; essential to respiration.…

  • Owsley’s acid

    Good quality LSD originally manufactured by Augustus Owsley Stanley III.  

  • Own children

    Family members who are the sons and daughters, including stepchildren and adopted children, of the householder.  

  • Ovulation method

    A contraceptive method entailing the identification of the approach and occurrence of ovulation by interpreting the cervical mucous pattern. When ovulation is occurring, abstinence from coitus is advised. A method of birth control that involves monitoring various changes in the body, to identify when ovulation has occurred; a kind of natural family planning. Couples who…

  • Ovulation

    The process of the ovary expelling an ovum in preparation for fertilization takes place approximately once every 28 days or once during the menstrual cycle during the reproductive years of the female. Release of a mature egg (ovum) from a woman’s ovaries into the fallopian tubes, where fertilization may take place. Ovulation generally occurs monthly,…