Category: P

  • Psychogenic amnesia

    A dissociative disorder in which a person is unable to recall events or information that cannot be explained by normal forgetfulness.  

  • Psychogenic

    Reactions that arise from emotional or psychological factors, rather than organic. Referring to an illness which starts in the mind, rather than in a physical state. Originating in the mind, not in the body; referring especially to symptoms or diseases of psychological, not physical, origin. A symptom or illness that arises from psychological causes, such…

  • Psychodynamic theory of personality

    Any theory of personality that emphasizes motivational dynamics as the foundation of personality, social learning theory.  

  • Psychodynamic experience

    The emergence of what heretofore had been in the subconscious allowing for the person to understand and overcome emotional difficulties.  

  • Psychobiological orientation

    Orientation toward the study of human development and behavior that emphasizes its roots in both biology and hereditary processes, and in experiences and socialization.  

  • Psychoanalytic theory of alcoholism

    Three schools of psychology explain alcoholism using the. 1. The Freudian view suggests that alcoholism is caused by unconscious tendencies toward self-destruction, oral fixation, and latent homosexuality; 2. The Adlerian view advances the concept that alcoholism is a symptom of the person’s need and struggle for power. 3. The inner conflict view is that alcoholism…

  • Psychoanalytic theory

    A theory of personality development developed by Sigmund Freud. It was the first major attempt to conceptualize the structure of the personality and to explain the reasons for behavior is based on the idea that people could be helped to overcome their mental and emotional problems by becoming aware of, and understanding, their unconscious desires…

  • Psychoanalytic model

    A subcategory of the pathology model that holds that the underlying pathology is a constellation of unconscious conflicts and defenses against anxiety, usually rooted in early childhood; and treatment should involve some form of psychotherapy based on psychoanalytic principles.  

  • Psychoanalytic

    Theory or practice of psychoanalysis.  

  • Psychic surgery

    A form of fakery using slight-of- hand techniques. A pretense at removing diseased organs by psychic means that leave no wound or require no physical incision. A form of quackery. The surgical side of psychic healing, performed through the mind and spirit of the healer during an alleged visionary experience. The gift of healing must…