Category: S

  • Swinging

    Mate swapping.  

  • Sweating phenomenon

    The appearance of tiny droplets of fluid in the walls of the vagina early in the excitement phase of the sexual response cycle.  

  • Swathe bandage

    A bandage that passes around the chest, splinting an injured arm to the chest.  

  • Suspension

    A dosage form in which particles of an insoluble drug are suspended in a liquid. A liquid with solid particles in it. In education, an order for a student to leave a school temporarily, generally for misbehavior, ln-school suspension refers to a student’s being ordered to leave classes but kept in school elsewhere, as outside…

  • Susceptible host

    A person not possessing sufficient resistance against a particular organism to prevent contracting an infection when exposed to the organism.  

  • Susceptible

    A person with no specific resistance to a disease or condition. Likely to catch a disease. Having little resistance to a disease or foreign protein. Organisms may be incapable of opposing the operation or counteracting the effects of an injurious or pathogenic factor, otherwise referred to as the inability of a host to defend against…

  • Survival skills

    A set of skills that are necessary to survive in today’s society. A curriculum may center on the development of these skills. The skills a person needs to function effectively in an environment, sometimes referring to the skills needed if one were stranded on a desert island or mountainous wilderness but often meaning functional skills…

  • Survey research

    Research in which a representative sample of a population is asked a series of questions regarding their behavior, attitudes, or beliefs.  

  • Survey

    A research technique in which subjects are asked questions about their behavior, attitudes, or intentions related to a particular subject. An on-site inspection of a health care facility by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). The study of a particular disease or condition, especially its epidemiological aspects.  

  • Surveillance activity

    Those activities which evaluate exposure or trends in adverse health effects over a specified period of time addresses the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of health data in the process of describing and monitoring a health event. Data obtained through surveillance are very important for appropriate decisions regarding the planning, evaluation, or implementation of…