Category: T

  • Tendon repair

    The surgical reattachment of tendons that have been completely torn apart or severed as a result of excessive physical effort or injury. Tendon repair should be performed as soon as possible for the best results.  

  • Tendon release

    A surgical procedure for treating trigger finger or Other Conditions involving restraint or binding of a tendon and its associated tissues. Tendon release is generally considered only when immobile joints are unresponsive to less invasive treatments, such as taking the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) aspirin or ibuprofen.  

  • Tattooing


    Permanent discoloration and inscriptions from pigment applied to the skin and then forced into the skin with needles. Many health-related risks are associated with unsanitary tattooing methods, including both localized infection and blood-borne illnesses such as hepatitis and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Today the preferred method of tattoo removal is laser surgery, which removes tattoos…

  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome

    A condition produced by compression of a nerve that passes through a narrow passage behind the ankle bone located on the inner side, running down into the heel and foot. The cause may be an injury to the ankle, including a sprain or fracture, or a growth such as a cyst or tumor that presses…

  • Tapeworm infestation

    Infestation by worms that are carried in immature forms by animals, especially cattle, pigs, and fish. Tapeworm infestation occurs in humans after eating undercooked, infested animal products, such as beef, pork, and fish. The larvae enter a person’s intestines and within 2 months grow into adult tapeworms that attach to the intestinal wall. These are…

  • Tall stature

    Extreme growth in height that begins in childhood or adolescence; also known as gigantism. Unusually tall stature may be caused by the pituitary gland overproducing growth hormone, usually due to a pituitary tumor. The excess pituitary hormone causes all parts of the body to grow extremely large. The condition differs from acromegaly in that it…

  • Talk therapy

    Any method for treating mental or emotional problems that relies principally on verbal interaction between the person and a professional therapist. A broad term encompassing various forms of psychotherapy that rely on conversational exchange between a skilled therapist and a client. This category encompasses psychodynamic therapy, humanistic therapy, different behavioral therapies, as well as psychoanalysis.…

  • Toxic synovitis

    A childhood disorder that causes inflammation in the hip joint. Toxic synovitis is most common between the ages of 3 and 6 and more frequently affects boys than girls. Although its exact cause remains unknown, toxic synovitis is most likely connected to a viral infection. A limp and hip pain (usually on one side of…

  • Threatened suicide

    Direct or indirect threats or attempts to commit suicide. Many people who commit suicide talk about it before making an attempt. Because most suicides are preventable, suicide threats or attempts should always be taken seriously. Any attempted suicide must be treated as a medical emergency; help must be sought as quickly as possible.  

  • Therapeutic embolization

    Injection of a material such as gel foam or polyvinyl chloride into an artery to cut off the blood supply. The procedure may be used to stop internal bleeding or to cut off the blood supply to a tumor.