Category: T

  • Topagnosis

    An inability to tell which part of your body has been touched, caused by a disorder of the brain. Inability to identify a part of the body that has been touched. It is a symptom of disease in the parietal lobes of the brain. The normal ability to localize touch is called topognosis. Loss of…

  • Toothache

    A pain in a tooth. Pain experienced in a tooth or teeth. If the discomfort increases or continues during a 4- to 6-week period, a dentist should be seen for an evaluation. When a toothache is transitory, periodic, and associated with sensitivity to hot or cold food or drinks, the cause may be minor gum…

  • Tonsillotomy

    A surgical operation to make a cut into the tonsils. Surgical incision of a tonsil or removal of part of a tonsil. The surgical procedure involving the partial or complete removal of a tonsil.  

  • Tonsillotome

    A surgical instrument used in cutting into or removing the tonsils. A tool utilized in the surgical excision of a tonsil.  

  • Tonsillar

    Referring to the tonsils. Related to a tonsil or having an effect on a tonsil.  

  • Tonometer

    An instrument which measures the pressure inside an organ, especially the eye. Instrument used to measure tension or pressure, especially intraocular pressure in testing for glaucoma. An instrument for measuring pressure in a part of the body, e.g. the eye. An instrument for measuring tension or pressure, especially intraocular pressure. A device used to gauge…

  • Tonography

    A measurement of the pressure inside an eyeball. Measurement of the pressure within the eyeball in such a way as to allow a record to be made on a chart of variations in pressure occurring over periods of several minutes at a time. The recording of changes in intraocular pressure.  

  • Tonicity

    State of normal muscle tone, ready to contract. Also osmolality of a solution relative to plasma. Solutions with the same osmolality as plasma are considered isotonic; those with greater osmolality are hypertonic, and those with lower osmolality are hypotonic. The normal state of slight contraction, or readiness to contract, of healthy muscle fibers. The condition…

  • Tongue-tie

    The condition of being unable to move your tongue with the usual amount of freedom, because the small membrane which attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth is unusually short. A condition present at birth in which the membrane under the tongue, called the frenulum, extends farther than usual toward the tip of…

  • Tongue depressor

    An instrument, usually a thin piece of wood, used by a doctor to hold someone’s tongue down while the throat is being examined. A device used to draw down and displace the tongue to facilitate visual examination of the throat. A level tool utilized to secure the tongue against the floor of the mouth, enabling…