Category: T

  • Temperature chart

    A chart showing changes in a person’s temperature over a period of time.  

  • Temperature

    The heat of the body or of the surrounding air, measured in degrees. Illness when your body is hotter than normal. In humans and other animals, measure of the heat associated with the metabolism of the body. Normal human temperature taken orally is considered to be 98.6° Fahrenheit (37° Celsius), but it may vary from…

  • Teleradiotherapy

    A type of radiotherapy, where the person being treated is some way away from the source of radiation.  

  • Teleradiology

    The process of transmitting scans and other images electronically so that they can be viewed by surgeons or other health care workers in different locations at the same time. The transmission of an x-ray image to a distant center where it may be interpreted by a radiologist.  

  • Teleradiography

    A type of radiography where the source of the X-rays is at a distance from the person being X-rayed. A form of radiography in which the X-ray source is situated about 2 meters from the patient, which produces X-ray pictures with less distortion. Radiography with the radiation source about 2 m (6F2 ft) from the…

  • Telemedicine

    The provision of diagnosis and health care from a distance using media such as interactive computer programs or off-site advisers. Medical care provided through telecommunication when the patient and the caregiver are at separate physical locations. Involves application of interactive audio-visual technology in patient care and education of physicians and other health care personnel, as…

  • Teleceptor

    A sensory receptor which receives sensations from a distance. These occur in the eyes, ears and nose. A sensory receptor that is capable of responding to distant stimuli. An example is the eye, which is capable of detecting changes and happenings at a great distance, unlike touch receptors, which require close contact. A distance receptor;…

  • Telangioma

    A tumour or haematoma of the blood capillaries. A tumor made up of dilated capillaries or arterioles.  

  • Telangiectasis


    Small dark red spots on the skin, formed by swollen capillaries. A localized collection of distended blood capillary vessels. It is recognized as a red spot, sometimes spidery in appearance, that blanches on pressure. Telangiectases may be found in the skin or the lining of the mouth, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and urinary passages. The condition in…

  • Tela

    A delicate part or tissue in the body with a fine or intricate pattern like a web. Any thin weblike tissue, particularly the tela choroidea, a folded double layer of pia mater containing numerous small blood vessels that extends into several of the ventricles of the brain.