Category: T

  • Transference cure

    A term used to describe when a patient flees from further treatment in order to avoid dealing with repressed material. The patient is not cured but is in temporary remission. Relapses are almost certain when the patient encounters further stress.  

  • Transference

    The unconscious assignment to others of feelings and attitudes that were originally associated with important figures (e.g., parents, siblings) in one’s early life. The psychiatrist uses this phenomenon as a therapeutic tool to help the patient understand emotional problems and their origins. In the patient-physician relationship, the transference may be negative (hostile) or positive (affectionate).…

  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

    Refers to the use of a magnetic field to stimulate or inhibit cortical neurons in treatment resistant depression. TMS is not intended to produce a seizure, so anesthesia is not required. The application of pulses from a magnetic coil to induce electrical currents in specific parts of the brain. This treatment has been used in…

  • Transactional analysis

    A psychodynamic psychotherapy based on role theory that attempts to understand the interplay between therapist and patient and ultimately between the patient and external reality. A form of therapy in which an individual becomes aware of his or her ability to control his or her own fate, thinks independently, and makes rational decisions. Psychotherapy involving…

  • Trance

    A state of focused attention and diminished sensory and motor activity seen in hypnosis, certain dissociative disorders, and ecstatic religious states. A sleeplike state in which the range of consciousness is limited and voluntary activities are suspended. A condition in which a person is in a dream, but not asleep, and seems not to be…

  • Training analysis

    The personal analysis that is required of prospective psychoanalysts and intended to help them become aware of their own psychological processes and to master unconscious conflicts that might otherwise lead to interference with participation in the analytic treatment.  

  • Toxic psychosis

    Psychosis caused by the poisonous effect of chemicals or drugs. A severe mental disturbance induced by a poisonous substance. A mental disorder induced by toxic substances, like opium or alcohol.  

  • Toxicology testing

    Toxicology testing

    Testing of urine and blood performed to determine the presence and level of drugs of abuse.  

  • Tourette’s disorder

    Tourette’s disorder

    A tic disorder consisting of multiple motor and vocal tics that occur in bouts, either concurrently or separately, almost every day or intermittently over a period of more than 12 months. Also known as gilles de la tourette’s syndrome. A condition which includes involuntary movements, tics, use of foul language and respiratory disorders.  

  • Torture


    The deliberate, systematic infliction of physical and mental suffering for the purpose of forcing people to conform or to reveal information. Infliction of severe mental or physical pain by various methods, usually for the purpose of coercion.