Category: T

  • Tractellum

    An anterior flagellum of a protozoan. It propels the cell by traction.  

  • Tracing

    A graphic record of some event that changes with time such as respiratory movements or electrical activity of the heart or brain.  

  • Trachoma body

    A mass of cells present as an inclusion body in the conjunctival epithelial cells of individuals with trachoma.  

  • Tracheotomy tube

    Any tube inserted into the trachea to gain control of the airway. A metal tube inserted through an opening from the outside of the neck into the windpipe to assist breathing when there is a risk of suffocation due to blockage in the usual air pathways. A metal tube designed to be inserted into an…

  • Tracheotome

    An instrument used to open the trachea.  

  • Tracheostomy care

    Management of the tracheostomy wound and the airway device. The patient should be suctioned as often as necessary to remove secretions. Sterile technique is maintained throughout the procedure. Before suctioning, the patient should be aerated well, which can be accomplished by using an Ambu bag attached to a source of oxygen. The patency of the…

  • Tracheostomy button

    A short tube or cannula placed inside a tracheostomy stoma to keep the tissue open.  

  • Tracheoscopy

    Inspection of the interior of the trachea by means of reflected light. Inspection of the inside of the windpipe using a device equipped with a light and a mirror.  

  • Tracheolaryngotomy

    Incision into the larynx and trachea. A surgical procedure that involves making incisions to open both the larynx and the trachea.  

  • Tracheoesophageal

    To the trachea and esophagus. An uncommon congenital anomaly where an abnormal passage links the trachea (windpipe) to the esophagus (gullet) is known as a fistula. In the prevalent manifestation of this condition, the lower portion of the esophagus connects to the trachea, while the upper part of the esophagus remains undeveloped, creating a closed…