Category: V

  • Varicose aneurysm

    Aneurysm forming a blood-filled sac between an artery and a vein.  

  • Visual amnesia

    Inability to remember the appearance of objects or to be cognizant of printed words.  

  • Vegetable albumin

    Albumin in, or derived from, plant tissue.  

  • Verbal agraphia

    Inability to write words, although letters can be written.  

  • Vaginal adenosis

    Disordered growth of the glandular cells of the vagina. It is a common finding in women whose mothers were exposed to diethylstilbesterol (DES) during pregnancy. Close follow up of women with vaginal adenosis is needed because the condition is occasionally a harbinger of glandular cancer.  

  • Valeric acid

    An oily liquid of the fatty acid series, existing in four isomeric forms and having a distinctly disagreeable odor.  

  • Verbal ability

    The ability to use words, spoken or written, to communicate.  

  • Von Recklinghausen’s disease

    An inherited disease, properly called neurofibromatosis. It is characterized by multiple benign tumours along the course of nerves which can be felt beneath the skin. Soft tumours may also develop beneath the skin. The condition may have other associated abnormalities such as scoliosis, decalcification of the bones due to overactivity of the parathyroid glands, and…

  • Voice and speech

    Terms applied to the sounds produced in the upper air passages which form one, of the means of communication between human beings. Air passes through the larynx to produce the fundamental notes and tones known as voice. This is then modified during its passage through the mouth so as to form speech or song.  

  • Vitreous body

    A semi-fluid, transparent substance which fills most of the globe of the eye behind the lens. A jelly-like substance within the eye that fills the space between the lens and the retina. It is colorless and transparent. It may contain minute particles called “floaters.”