Category: Y

  • Yowie

    Fabled hairy hominid, also called yahoo, native to Australia. Like the American Bigfoot, the Himalayan YETI, and the Chinese ALMA, the yowie is an elusive creature said to live in remote regions, primarily high forest areas. The yowie has been reported as being a longtime inhabitant of Aboriginal lore, and accounts of sightings by European-Australians…

  • Yeti

    Hair)7 hominid, also called the abominable snowman, reputed to live in the Himalaya Mountains. Called by Tibetans Metoh-Kangmi (“manlike thing that is not a man;” misinterpreted by a translator as “wild man of the snows”), the creature became better known in the West by its nickname, Yeti. Although the Yeti has been reported in Western…

  • Yuzpe regimen

    A type of emergency contraception (colloquially, a “morning after pill”) in which a patient takes estradiol and levonorgestrel after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy and implantation.  

  • Ytterbium

    A rare metallic earth element used in screens in radiography; atomic weight, 173.04; atomic number, 70.  

  • Youth friendly

    User friendly (acceptable or appealing) to young people between the ages of 10 and 24. The term is used to describe elements of health care that are accessible to and comfortable for preteens, adolescents, and young adults.  

  • Youth

    The period between childhood and maturity. Young adulthood is between 18 and 35 years of age.  

  • Yonaki

    A culture-bound syndrome in Japan characterized by sleep related nocturnal crying by children typically aged from 5 to 11 years.  

  • Yilishen

    A dietary supplement marketed as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning to consumers to avoid this product, which has been marketed under the trade name Actra-RX.  

  • Yersinia enterocolitica

    A species that causes acute mesenteric lymphadenitis and enterocolitis. The disease may progress to a septicemic form in children, and mortality may be as high as 50%. Therapy with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, aminoglycosides, tetracycline, third-generation cephalosporin, or quinolones is effective.  

  • Yergason’s test

    A test used to identify subluxation of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle from the bicipital groove caused by disruption of the transverse humeral ligament. The patient is seated, the glenohumeral joint is in the anatomical position, the elbow flexed to 90 degrees, and the forearm supinated to assume the “palm up” position.…