
The round articular processes on the ends of the long bones at the joint.

Eminence upon the rounded protuberance (condyle) at the joint end of a bone.

A projecting part of the round end of a bone above the condyle.

Projection on a bone, above another part, the condyle.

The protuberance above a condyle at the end of an articulating bone.

The protuberance above a condyle at the end of a bone with an articulating joint for example, at the bottom of the humerus, the bone of the upper arm.

The eminence at the articular end of a bone above a condyle.

A protrusion on the exterior of a bone, frequently serving as a site for the attachment of muscles and tendons.

An epicondyle refers to a bony protrusion where tendons attach, such as the one found at the lower end of the humerus, forming part of the elbow joint. Overusing muscles and subjecting tendons to repetitive tugging can lead to pain and inflammation at the epicondyle.

A raised bony area located on the condyles of the femur and humerus.




