
A bacteriostatic macrolide group of antibiotics that has both gram‐positive and gram‐negative antibacterial spectra and acts by inhibiting ribosomal protein synthesis.

A antibacterial drug suitable for people who are sensitive to penicillin.

An antibiotic that comes in many forms.

Antibiotic active against many Gram-positive and some Gram-negative bacteria. The drug is derived from the fungus Streptomyces erythreus, and is mainly bacteriostatic in action.

Antibiotic, known under several trade names (e.g., E- Mycin, Erythrocin) used to treat infections caused by a wide variety of bacteria and other microorganisms. Adverse side effects are uncommon but may include nausea and diarrhea or, rarely, hypersensitivity reactions and liver inflammation.

An antibiotic used to treat infections caused by a wide range of bacteria and other microorganisms. It is administered by mouth or injection. Side effects are rare and mild, though nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea occur occasionally.

One of the macrolides, it has an antibacterial spectrum similar, but not identical, to that of penicillin. The drug is a valuable alternative for patients who are allergic to penicillin. Erythromycin is used for respiratory infections, including spread within a family of whooping-cough, and also chlamydia, legionnaire’s disease, syphilis and enteritis caused by campylobacter. The drug may be given orally, intravenously or topically (for acne).

An antibiotic derived from Streptomyces erythraeus, used primarily to treat gram-positive and atypical microorganisms, such as streptococci, mycoplasma, and legionella. Its primary side effects are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea.

An antimicrobial medication that can serve as a substitute for penicillin.

Erythromycin is an antibiotic medication employed for treating skin, chest, throat, and ear infections. It is prescribed to individuals who are allergic to penicillin drugs. Moreover, it is effective in combating pertussis (whooping cough) and legionnaires’ disease. This drug is available in tablet, liquid, and intravenous forms. However, some potential side effects to be aware of include nausea, diarrhea, and an itchy rash.




