
Retaining its leaves throughout the year.

Remaining green throughout the winter, as in a tree that keeps its leaves throughout the year.

A plant/tree that has leaves all year round.

Having foliage that remains green and functional through more than one growing season.

Having green leaves throughout the year (as opposed to deciduous).

A botanical term referring to a plant or tree that keeps its leaves throughout the winter.

Keeping its leaves until replaced by others, or even longer.

Having foliage that persists throughout the year.

A plant having green leaves all year; describing such a plant.

Any plant that retains foliage all year. Evergreen trees and shrubs do drop old leaves, though not until after the new ones have been formed and usually only a few at a time.

Any plant that retains foliage all year. Evergreen trees and shrubs do drop old leaves, though not until after the new ones have been formed and usually only a few at a time.

A tree or shrub that bears leaves all year, continually shedding and replacing them.





