Gender identity (core gender identity)

The inner sense of maleness or femaleness that identifies the person as being male, female, or ambivalent. Differentiation of gender identity usually takes place in infancy and early childhood and is reinforced by the hormonal changes of puberty. Gender identity is distinguished from sexual identity, which is biologically determined.

The deeply held inner conviction of one’s maleness or femaleness that develops in the first few years of life. The sex chromosomes and the gonads a child inherits, the appearance of the child’s genitals, and how the child and others see his or her body all influence the formation.

How a person views himself or herself as a male or female.

Awareness of knowing to which sex (male or female) one belongs; this awareness normally begins in infancy, continues through childhood, and is reinforced during adolescence.

One’s self-concept with respect to being male or female; a person’s sense of his or her true sexual identity.

Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense of their own masculinity or femininity. This isn’t always aligned with their biological sex. It typically solidifies within the first two to three years of life and is further affirmed during puberty. Once established, it’s generally not subject to change.

A small segment of individuals experience continuous unease about their sexual identity, a condition known as gender dysphoria. In extreme cases, an individual may perceive themselves to be of a different sex than their biological one.




