Gestalt theory

An approach to understanding human psychology that holds that experience affects the entire body and mind and can be understood only in terms of the total effects throughout the person’s being in the present time. Gestalt therapists focus on the here and now, deal with the past only insofar as it affects the present, and make their patients aware of physical events such as muscle tension and breathing patterns, as well as thoughts and ideas. (This is in contrast with Freudian theory, which concentrates on childhood experiences and memories.) Gestalt in German means “complete form” or “entire shape.”

Gestalt psychology is a psychological approach that prioritizes perceiving personal experiences as cohesive wholes rather than dissecting them into individual stimuli and responses. In Gestalt therapy, the goal is to enhance self-awareness by examining all facets of an individual within their environment.

The period lasting roughly nine months from conception to the birth of a human baby is known as pregnancy. It is the crucial time when the infant develops and grows inside the mother’s uterus.




