
The inguinal region of the body.

A junction at each side of the body where the lower abdomen joins the top of the thighs.

Area where the abdomen and thighs join; also called inguen.

The region of the body where the lower abdomen joins the top of the thigh.

The external depression on the front of the body that marks the junction of the abdomen with either of the thighs.

The region which includes the upper part of the front of the thigh and lower part of the abdomen. A deep groove runs obliquely across it, which corresponds to the inguinal ligament, and divides the thigh from the abdomen. The principal diseased conditions in this region are enlarged glands, and hernia.

The depression between the thigh and trunk; the inguinal region.

The area of the body situated between the abdomen and the thighs.

The hollow area between the lower abdomen and the upper thigh.

The indented area between the abdomen and the thigh.




