Kernig’s sign

A symptom of meningitis in which the knee cannot be straightened if the person is lying down with the thigh brought up against the abdomen.

Pain and resistance at flexing the thigh at the hip and extending the leg at the knee; a sign that generally indicates the existence of meningitis.

Symptom of meningitis in which the patient is unable to extend the leg at the knee, when the thighs are held at right angles to the body, because of stiffness of the hamstring muscles.

A symptom of meningitis in which the hamstring muscles in the legs are so stiff that the patient is unable to extend his legs at the knee when the thighs are held at a right angle to the body.

This is found in meningitis. A healthy person’s thigh can be bent to a right-angle with the body when the knee is straight; in cases of meningitis, the knee cannot be straightened without causing the patient intense pain when the thigh is bent in this manner.

A sign of meningeal irritation evidenced by reflex contraction and pain in the hamstring muscles, when attempting to extend the leg after flexing the hip.

A diagnostic test used to detect meningitis and inflammation of the meninges. If pain occurs when extending the lower leg with the thigh flexed against the abdomen, or if there is significant resistance, the test is considered positive.




