Ketogenic diet

A diet poor in carbohydrate (20-30 g) and rich in fat; causes accumulation of ketone bodies in tissue.

A diet with a high fat content, producing ketosis.

A special high-fat diet, used in some cases of epilepsy.

A diet that promotes the formation of ketone bodies in the tissues. A ketogenic diet is one in which the principal energy source is fat rather than carbohydrate.

This contains such an excess of fats that acetone and other ketone bodies appear in the urine. The diet is sometimes used in the treatment of epilepsy not responding to anticovulsants. Butter, cream, eggs and fatty meat are allowed, whilst sugar, bread and other carbohydrates are excluded as far as possible.

A high-fat, high-protein, controlled carbohydrate diet, in which the body primarily metabolizes fats instead of glucose. It has been used to treat some forms of epilepsy and has been promoted as a weight-loss diet as well.

A dietary regimen characterized by an unusually elevated consumption of fats and a reduced intake of carbohydrates and protein, resulting in the induction of ketosis and the modification of the body’s acid-base equilibrium.




