
Development of (brittle) concave finger nails, commonly associated with iron deficiency anaemia.

A condition in which the fingernails are brittle and concave, caused by iron-deficiency anaemia.

Deformation of the nail bed with thin, concave edges; often associated with iron deficient anemia; also called “spooning of the nails”.

A condition in which thinning of the nail creates a flattened, concave, spoon like shape. Koilonychia can be caused by a long-standing iron deficiency or an injury to the nail bed, but it is sometimes also inherited. The cause may be unknown.

The development of thin (brittle) concave (spoon-shaped) nails, a common disorder that can occur with anemia due to iron deficiency, though the cause is not known. Treatment is by treating any underlying disease.

The term applied to nails that are hollow and depressed like a spoon, a condition sometimes associated with chronic iron deficiency.

Dystrophy of the fingernails in which they are thin and concave with raised edges. This condition is sometimes associated with iron-deficiency anemia. It is often called spooning of nails.

A condition where nails become brittle, thin, and take on a spoon-like shape. It can be hereditary and might be linked to iron-deficiency anemia or the skin condition lichen planus.




