
A term used in exercise to describe one body part’s position in relation to another. Medial means toward the midline.

Toward the midline of the body.

In or toward the middle or center, lateral.

Nearer to the central midline of the body or to the centre of an organ.

Situated toward the midline of the body or the central part of an organ or tissue; also called mesial.

The center, or middle, of the body. Medial refers to the median of the body, the inner side of a body part, or any position or structure lying closest to the midline of the body. The medial side of a knee, for example, is the inner side of the knee. The opposite of medial is lateral.

Relating to or situated in the central region of an organ, tissue, or the body.

A medical expression denoting “positioned toward the centerline of the body.” In rarer instances, it pertains to the middle stratum of a bodily structure.




