Mineral supplements

Dietary supplements containing essential minerals, usually in combination with vitamins. Together, minerals and vitamins are called “micronutrients,” substances required in tiny amounts to promote essential biochemical reactions in the cells. The lack of a particular micronutrient for a prolonged period causes a deficiency disease or condition, which can generally be reversed by supplying the lacking micronutrients.

Nutritional products comprising one or multiple minerals in tablet or liquid formulations. The majority of individuals acquire adequate amounts from their dietary intake; supplements are solely requisite for those exhibiting a confirmed deficiency. In fact, excessive consumption of certain mineral supplements might even pose risks to health.

Iron, the prevailing mineral supplement, is administered to address individuals with iron-deficiency anemia. This condition might arise in women experiencing heavy menstrual cycles, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, in vegans (those abstaining from meat, eggs, or dairy), and in individuals with ongoing internal bleeding (such as from a peptic ulcer).




