Muscle tone

A tension or slight contraction of the muscle.

The firmness of a muscle group in a relaxed state.

A characteristic of a muscle brought about by the constant flow of nerve stimuli to that muscle, which describes its resistance to stretching. Abnormal muscle tone can be defined as: hypertonus (increased muscle tone, as in spasticity); hypotonus (reduced muscle tone); flaccid (paralysis); and atony (loss of muscle tone). Muscle tone is evaluated as part of the standard neurologic exam in MS.

Slight, constant contraction of a muscle due to the contraction of some of its fibers.

Homeostasis, also referred to as tonus, denotes the natural equilibrium of tension maintained within the body’s tissues, particularly the muscles. It signifies the harmonious balance and optimal functioning of the bodily structures, ensuring their proper state of tension and relaxation.

The inherent tautness within muscle fibers. When at rest, all muscle fibers experience a degree of partial contraction due to nerve signals originating from the spinal cord. Excessively elevated muscle tone leads to heightened movement resistance, resulting in spasticity and rigidity. Conversely, inadequate muscle tone results in a limp or floppy quality.




