Natural selection

Anything tending to produce inheritable change between one generation and the next, with favorable changes becoming more common and unfavorable changes becoming less common.

Determined by environmental factors that favor the reproduction of certain alleles or gene combinations over others. Results from constant interplay between the organism and the environment. However, does not produce new genes.

Natural process by which the organisms best suited to a particular environment by virtue of their adaptations tend to survive and propagate offspring with then- characteristics, whereas those less well adapted have less chance for survival and propagation.

A mechanism of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin stating that the genotypes best adapted to their environment have a tendency to survive and reproduce.

The theory advocated by Darwin and other scientists suggests that nature strives to preserve and propagate species possessing specific genetic traits that are most suitable for their survival within their surroundings. Darwin regarded natural selection as a pivotal factor in the evolution process.




