
The study of diseases of the nervous system. Neuropathology places a special emphasis on neurological causes and effects, especially the structural and functional changes caused by brain and nervous system disease. Neuropathologists are generally involved in research and diagnosis but not with treatment.

The branch of pathology that covers the reasons for and consequences of disorders of the nervous system.

The study of diseases of the nervous system and the structural and functional changes occurring in them. Neurological diseases may affect the peripheral nerves or the central nervous system and may be congenital or acquired. Congenital defects tend to occur during embryonic or fetal development and become obvious in the early years of life. Acquired diseases that affect neurological function include vascular injuries (e.g., strokes), inflammatory diseases (e.g., encephalitis or meningitis), autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis), toxic illnesses (lead or mercury exposure), trauma (closed head injury), or neoplastic diseases (metastatic or primary brain tumors).

The field of pathology that focuses on the origins and consequences of nervous system disorders.

The investigation of the inherent reasons for nervous system disorders.




