Nevus (pi., nevi)

A pigmented or nonpigmented lesion on the skin or mucosa, which may undergo malignant transformation.

Birthmark; a circumscribed malformation of the skin, especially if colored by hyperpigmentation or increased vascularity.

A benign, localized overgrowth.

Birthmark or mole; congenital discoloration of the skin due to abnormal pigmentation or vascular tumor.

General name for a variety of blemishes on the skin, popularly called moles. Nevi formed by abnormal collections of blood vessels, popularly called birthmarks, are medically termed vascular nevi or hemangiomas. The other main kind of nevus is caused by abnormal production of skin cells producing the pigment melanin. Among the most common of these pigmented nevi are freckles and cafe au lait spots (the color of coffee with milk). However, some nevi, such as the large, multicolored, often hairy mole called the giant hairy nevus, can be or become malignant. Though most nevi are not dangerous, for safety parents should closely examine and take notes on the size, location, and color of any markings on the skin of a young child and then check them periodically. Any changes or problems, such as darkening, growing, bleeding, or appearance of new marks, should be noted and reported to the doctor immediately, to be sure no cancer is developing.

Congenital discoloration of the skin; a birthmark or mole.

A clearly defined malformation of the skin, present at birth. There are many different types of nevi. Some are composed of small blood vessels. These blood-vessel birthmarks include the strawberry mark, which usually disappears in early life, and the port-wine stain, which does not disappear and is best left untreated. Another kind of nevus is the mole.

A congenital discoloration of a circumscribed area of the skin due to pigmentation.

Small or large malformation of the skin due to abnormal pigmentation or dilated capillaries.

The term used in medicine to describe any abnormality of the skin that is present from birth is “congenital skin anomaly.” This encompasses various conditions such as moles and birthmarks.

A growth made up of blood vessels that appears on the skin, often referred to as a birthmark or mole. There are various kinds.




