Open enrollment

The practice of allowing students to attend the school of their choice within a particular school district.

A period when new subscribers may elect to enroll in a health insurance plan or prepaid group practice. Open enrollment periods may be used in the sale of either group or individual insurance and be the only period of a year when insurance is available. Individuals perceived as high-risk (perhaps because of a preexisting condition) may be subjected to high premiums or exclusions during open enrollment periods. In the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 the term refers to periodic opportunities for the general public, on a first come, first served basis, to join an HMO. The law presently requires that HMOs have at least one annual open enrollment period during which an HMO accepts, “up to its capacity, individuals in the order that they apply” unless the HMO can demonstrate to HEW that open enrollment would threaten its economic viability. In such cases, HEW can waive the open enrollment requirement for a period of up to three years.

An limited time period, usually occurring annually, during which individuals are given the opportunity to enroll in a health care insurance plan without medical screening, and without regard to their health status. Open enrollment is a characteristic of some Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans and some health maintenance organizations (HMOs). The time period is limited in order to minimize the potential for adverse selection. Open enrollment is an effort to approach community rating.

A defined time of the month or year when eligible individuals may obtain insurance from a health benefits provider.




