Operating microscope

A special microscope with two eyepieces and a light, used in very delicate surgery.

Binocular microscope used in surgery to enable the surgeon to view clearly small and inaccessible parts of the body (e.g., parts of the eye or ear).

A binocular microscope used in surgery, e.g. in operations to remove a blood clot from an artery. The field of operation is illuminated through the objective lens by a light source within the microscope. Many models incorporate a beam splitter and a second set of eyepieces, to enable the surgeon’s assistant to view the operation.

A binocular microscope used for microsurgery on, for example, the eye and middle ear; this microscope is also used for suturing nerves and blood vessels damaged or severed by trauma, and for rejoining obstructed fallopian tubes in the treatment of infertility in women.

A microscope designed for use during surgery involving small tissue such as nerves, vessels, the inner ear, eye, or fallopian tubes.




