
Respiratory condition in which there is discomfort in breathing in any but erect standing or sitting positions.

A condition in which breathing becomes easier in an upright standing or sitting position.

Condition in which the person can breathe normally or comfortably only when sitting erect or standing; it is associated with asthma, emphysema, angina pectoris, and many other respiratory and heart disorders.

Lung disease that causes the patient to assume an upright or semi-upright position in order to breathe and sleep comfortably; dyspnea and congestion in the lungs occur when lying down.

Difficulty breathing that occurs while lying down. People with orthopnea wake up at night feeling short of breath, and they find they can sleep restfully only when sitting upright or with several pillows under their head. Orthopnea is often a sign of heart failure, but it can be caused by other heart and lung problems or by anxiety.

Breathlessness that prevents the patient from lying down, so that he has to sleep propped up in bed or sitting in a chair.

Labored breathing that occurs when lying flat and improves when standing or sitting up. This is one of the classic symptoms of left ventricular heart failure, although it occasionally occurs in other cardiac or respiratory illnesses.

A condition characterized by the challenge of breathing experienced when an individual assumes a horizontal position.

The incapacity to breathe unless in an upright posture, typically seen in cases of heart failure and certain other heart-related conditions.




