
Receptors that help to control water intake by responding to the concentrations of body fluids.

A cell in the hypothalamus which checks the level of osmotic pressure in the blood by altering the secretion of ADH and regulates the amount of water in the blood.

Structures in the hypothalamus that detect changes (elevations) in blood tonicity. When tonicity is increased a signal is generated that inhibits water loss.

Group of cells in the hypothalamus that monitor blood concentration and influence the release of vasopressin from the posterior pituitary gland.

A group of cells in the hypothalamus that monitor blood con centration. Should this increase abnormally, as in dehydration, the osmoreceptors send nerve impulses to the hypothalamus, which then increases the rate of release of vasopressin from the posterior pituitary gland. Loss of water from the body in the urine is thus restricted until the blood concentration returns to normal.

A receptor in the hypothalamus that is sensitive to the osmotic pressure of the serum.




