
An inflammatory process of bone and cartilage about a joint.

Degeneration of the epiphyses.

Inflammation of a bone associated with pain: the deposition of abnormal bony tissue seen on X-ray. The cause is not known and the condition is frequently self-limiting, though permanent deformity of the affected bone may result. Treatment is with analgesics.

Inflammation of both bone and cartilage. It is a not uncommon cause of backache in young people, particularly gymnasts.

While the term suggests inflammation in both bone and cartilage, the most commonly observed changes are bone degeneration and regeneration, especially at the growth ends of long bones. Because of this, many physicians prefer to use the term “osteochondrosis.” When this degeneration happens in the bony region below the kneecap, it’s referred to as Osgood-Schlatter disease. This condition is frequently encountered in adolescent boys, causing chronic pain below the kneecap, particularly after exercise. Rest and overall health care are key to a full recovery.




