Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Psychauditory

    To the perception and interpretation of sounds.  

  • Psorophthalmia

    Marginal inflammation of the eyelids with ulceration.  

  • Rupioid psoriasis

    Psoriasis with hyperkeratotic lesions on the feet.  

  • Pustular psoriasis

    Psoriasis in which small sterile pustules form, dry up, and then form a scab.  

  • Nummular psoriasis

    The most common form of psoriasis with disks and plaques of varying sizes on the extremities and trunk. There may be a great number of lesions or a solitary lesion.  

  • Guttate psoriasis

    Psoriasis characterized by small distinct lesions that generally occur over the body. The lesions appear particularly in the young after acute streptococcal infections. Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis, a skin condition characterized by inflamed patches of skin. It primarily affects children and young adults, particularly after streptococcal infections. One notable feature of guttate…

  • Elephantine psoriasis

    A rare but persistent psoriasis that occurs on the back, thighs, and hips in thick scaling plaques.  

  • Psoriasiform

    Resembling psoriasis; psoriasis-like. Applies to a rash that resembles the plaque like erythematous lesions of psoriasis; also used in reference to joint conditions resembling those of psoriatic arthritis.  

  • Psoralen

    One of a group of plant-derived chemicals that sensitize the skin to damage by ultraviolet light. Drugs derived from psoralens, such as methoxsalen and trioxsalen, are used to treat vitiligo, psoriasis, and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Side effects from the use of psoralens may include drying and chapping of the skin and an increased risk of…

  • Psi phenomena

    Occurrences, events, or actions that have no scientific explanation (e.g., extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, and telepathy).  

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