Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Blastochyle

    Fluid contained in the blastocele.  

  • Blast lung

    A colloquial term for pulmonary barotrauma. The shredding-type effect that takes place in the alveolar surfaces of the lung caused by the shock of an explosion or blast, which can cause alveolar contusion.  

  • Blastid

    The site of the nucleus of a fertilized ovum.  

  • Blank

    A surrogate analytical sample that either has no analyte present or is subject to only part of the analytical process. The purpose of the blank is to assess the contribution of nonspecific effects on the final reaction, and thus be able to eliminate those effects from the final analytical results. The term “blank” may be…

  • Blanching test

    A test of the integrity of the circulation performed by applying and then quickly releasing pressure to a fingernail or toenail. After losing color, the blanched nail normally regains a pink appearance within 2 seconds or less. Failure to do so suggests impaired blood flow to the extremity.  

  • Blalock-Taussig shunt

    An anastomosis of a subclavian artery to the pulmonary artery on the same side. This procedure increases blood flow to the lungs in children with cardiac defects. The modified Blalock-Taussig shunt involves the use of synthetic graft material to create the anastomosis.  

  • Blalock Hanlon procedure

    The surgical creation of an atrial septal defect or enlargement of the foramen ovale in an infant with transposition of the great arteries. This procedure helps to improve oxygenation until total repair is undertaken.  

  • Bladder wrack

    A yellow-brown seaweed, Fucus vesiculosus, which contains significant quantities of iodine. It is  used as an alternative medicine for a variety of proposed cures, e.g., of hypothyroidism, but its effectiveness has not been documented in controlled trials.  

  • Bladder tumor antigen

    A protein released into the urine by malignant cells in the bladder, studied as a possible marker of cancer of the urinary bladder. Because of the low prevalence of bladder cancer in the population at large, and the low positive predictive value of the test, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (2006) discouraged health care…

  • Bladder training

    A technique used to treat stress urinary incontinence in women in which the patient charts the number of urinations, the intervals between urination, and the volume of urine passed. She also notes the degree and frequency of incontinence. The intervals between urinations are gradually increased. Bladder training, a therapeutic approach employed to address stress incontinence,…

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